Thursday, January 29, 2009

what i did today

today would be the 4th day of cny.. which was...a tad bit sour.. but mostly sweet. =D

busybusy day today was! i woke up feeling moody and down ca
use of the pouring rainn.. and i didnt feel like going anywhere at all! but calls were made and texts were sent and before i knew it, i was on my way to darren's place for new years' visiting. omg omg, i saw the cutest being on the puh-la-net at da's place! mummy, i want a maltese.. =( i didnt take a pic, cause i obviously was too fascinated by it, and was chasing it EVERRRYWHERE. omg omg, i wanntttt.

den we continued our visiting to yun's place lor. from there, nimai picked me up and we went visiting some more in the cold cold weatherrr.. uhuhu. but fun leh, started gambling at andy's placee.. lost a ton to liang wie, the BIGTWO king. sheesh, but paul paid for our 2nd round lah, hee.. i won in the end too!....about 40 cents =.= still smth right! ngehh.
overall, i won moneh leh.. yik yong lost a bundleeeee.. lol keshian. from larry's place i went to my aunt's place with family. see, a fun packed day with friends and familyy.. a good day it was indeed. chinese new year fun lehh! || reality update || school's starting on monday! shits.

i like to crop, so? nice what, ehehh, we were jamming at larry's place.
"thats what you get when you let your heart win.. whooahh!"

i like drums what. yik yong called me "cho-lo". hmmphh i thampar!

darren's pup look like that leh! but got black colourr.. eee, i wanttt!

omg i love this pic lahh.. see ju's face wei! aahah


your eyes, telling me lies.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


*will be edited/new posts after cny madness!

i HEART this season! money luluuu.. =D

family potrait + "almost-family" alex

i'm off to go ang pow hunting again! and and gamblingg.. and getting fat..
oh i hope hope we go out tomoro lor, =D
i wanna shop ler.. ahahah. temptations! spend my money before i lose it for something useless like gambling.


lets go celebrate your birthday babe! =D

Saturday, January 17, 2009


random pictures of our performance in tHe Spring, Kuching on the 13th of Dec.

on the left, we have pokie, the red-haired(at the time) flowerhorn. i think he'll go blue at the end of this year, who knows, pokie? ahah. and the dreaming daniel..

open wide!

nice pic, eh?

introducing, guin and i. =)


so busy leh today, but it was all worth itt.. eheh.

i barely had time to breathe today, but it was all worth it.

i felt so freakin down today.. but it was ALL worth itt..

i see you smiling back at me, .. =)

Thursday, January 15, 2009

omg,100th post! this is HUGE! lol


Sunday, January 11, 2009

On a Sunday..

Picture of The Day.

Introducing - my homework. =.= i'll get to them once i'm finished with this post.

oh lookie! i'm finished with this post, ahahah! No more reasons to procrastinate, Ruby. =.=

Saturday, January 10, 2009

check yes, romeo.

Uh, busy busy rainy day it was..

First of all, i woke up at 12! today.. wa wa! Feels so good lah okeyh, when will be the next time horr.. after this, no such luck liao leh. School, school.. SPM. Grr.. eh, cny so near hor! Saya masih belum pergi shoppiang untuk baju baru lerh, mana boleh ini macam.. SO, who wants to go shopping? =D

Why rain so much hor. Is God sad too? Aww.. We should do something to cheer Him up no? We’ve done too much to disappoint Him already. =(

I wanna vent. I’m so sad =(

But i can’t.. =((

"Hey you, yeah i’m talking to you.. How could you do this to mee. See, i have to promote you in my blog pulak, cause youre all i think about. Hmph. Yea, i know youre reading this. So, how’d your day go? I didn’t wanna ask you leh, cause talking to you would bring unwanted feelings back leh.. not i don’t want pun, you yang don’t want. Hmphh. Plus you never reply me de. So jahat lar you.. i feel so unwanted. BOOHOO.

I know youre being cold just to get rid of me hor. Good la, don’t be too nice to mee.. i don’t deserve it, =(
take caree.. Take good care.."

Countdown to Thursday. 5 days. =D i’m happy again.. Hee.

Friday, January 09, 2009

Week 1.

School’s been so hectic. So much work to do, and so much to learn.. Week 1’s been okay..

super cold though! The poor person who has to endure with me for one whole year is Leon, my buddy. Poor guy has to put up with my stories and complaints and blur-ness. But i am SO proud of him! He’s actually studying and doing his homework! *faints* hey, its leon okay. Lol. Umms, well, my teachers are okay lah. Pissed with my moral teacher though..Moral’s the only subject i don’t pay attention in class.. oh hawt dayum. The rest are actually pretty okay. Motivates me to study.. its either they’re really strict or really fun.. and btw, WHAT IS UP WITH TEACHER’S getting pregnant? Its bad enough that you have to imagine them doing it, but now you have no bm teacher cause she’s busy producing babies =.=

BM – Pn Wong Lee Chin (pregnant, in labour, yeah that crap. So no bm for one week already)
BI – Pn Teresa Ng. She’s kewl
Maths – Pn. Ding. She’s sooo cute. Ahahah..
Add Maths – Pn. Hasmah. Why she so bad mood these days hoh? Scary
Sejarah – Mr. Mahendran. Lol, i don’t even know how to spell his name.. he’s okay lah
P. Moral – Pn. Alice Manggoi. Ngeh, no further elaborations =.=
PJ/PK – En. Yakub. Correct spelling kaa? Eh. He’s damn cool lah okay.. we actually learning stuff for PJ this year, haha!
Biology – Pn. Su SIu Fong. I can bet my ass that she’s pregnant, again. =.=
Chemistry – Pn. Anne. Damn strict, damn fast, challenging, i like
Physics – Pn. Haryati. She’s niceee.. sassy.

Hmm.. what am i forgetting...

EST – Mr. Matthew Chin. He reminds me of my daddy.. ahaha.
PSKPn. Melor. Dono leh, i haven’t paid attention in her class yet.. xD

SO, today..
I went to visit my new housee.. its purrrtey. I got pics, but cant upload now.. will upload soon! And umm, i nearly died today.. damn big longkang lah okay. Zzz.

edited * as promised, picha's..

rumah baruku.. lokasinya dirahsiakan untuk tujuan keperibadian. dont tee-pee my houseee

daddy - gazing into the future? (location, upstairs balconyII)

i want the bigger room =(

the river that almost overflow-ed. and the longkang that i nearly died in. lol. hey, damn scary la okayh.

Let me elaborate more on that point.

- I am now on my mum’s laptop, in my mum’s room. She’s watching a horror movie.
No. 2
- School’s killing me.. bloody teachers driving me crazy with all the making me tension stuff. Mr Lee la, Cikgu Mahendran lah, who else. Heh. Just shoot me now
No. 3
- Thursday’s a good day =) yes, its making me insane waiting for that day.. lol
No. 4.
- Should i start studying like, now?
No. 5
- I think too much =/

So how now? die or no die?

Tuesday, January 06, 2009


i'm sorry...

Sunday, January 04, 2009


i'm just gonna post pictures to ensure that i'll blog this once i got the time.. it is now 10.30pm on a sunday night, and i have school tomoro morning! i'm getting up at 5 cause sha's picking me up super early to reserve the best seats in class... =.= anyways, these are the pics taken at the caroling appreciation dinner we had at Chef's Special just now.. its actually a really nice place, and there were TWO weddings going on the the same time! ahahhaa.. oh well, we had our own private room and there was karaoke! apa lagi, sing sing larrr.. ahaha
pokie went cuckoo~ lol
we were the gila group.. eheh!

and scarf boy went.."i aint photogenic".. lol

Thursday, January 01, 2009

goodbye 2008, hello 2009.

i love how i spent my new year's eve and new year's day.. =)

i cant believe its actually 2009 ALREADY. whoahh. time flies huh? before u know it, i'll be old and fat with 12 kids, HAHA, just kidding.. but really lar, its like so fast. omg, i'm in FORM 5. *faints and gains consciousness then looks at calendar and faints again* i know, lame. but well, I'm a freakin form5-ian. freakazoik. SPM. pressure. stress. damn. dies.

wow, the year 2008 has been a really great year though.. i couldnt have spent it better. hee.. despite all the things that has happened, well, God is a fair God, no? there has to be a balance.. otherwise we'll get too spoilt and well, take things for granted.. damn, so sentimental. *weeps*

How I Spent My Previous Year, by Ruby Manyi Chan

. I stepped into form 4.. into 4 CEKAP. i was pissed. but then again, glad, cause i love my classmates.. hee.. God knows what to do with this piece of wreck.
. I changed seating mates quite regularly. from grez, to rachel, to yun2 and nice, then leon, then rachel again.. haha. noisy class, good times =)
. I didnt flunk ANY subject *bangga bangga* hey. damn proud la ok. no red mark, freakin happy ah. =D
. i learnt to love biology.. ahaha. screw you, its fun.
. i learnt to hate add maths. not entirely, YET. and to think we were getting along pretty well.... sniff sniff
. insulting rachel is fun. u shud try it, ahaha!
. pn normala IS pregnant! yes, we all thought she was just fattt.. lol. shh.. she's a really nice lady.
. pn barzati is a time bomb. she explodes!
. cikgu ridos is a cute gorilla!
. j and i never got caught paktoh-ing. ahahaha! damn proud man.
. canteen beehoon is nice!
. ling shin yin damn smart. she should move class. lol. noh noh, i'm kidding, we all love her. =)
. our class has too many issues. =.=
. shopping, we must do. ehehe
. holidays went by really quickly!
. two totally adorable dogs dropped from the sky!
Berwick Beckham Junior-Chan and Chloe Chanel Chan. =))
. spent christmas with j =)
. spent new year's with j. =))

New Year's Resolution.

. =.=
. be kind-er to rachel. lol
. motivate leon to study.
. kick stuck up college girls' asses.
. save. save. save!!!
. figure out where to go after spm...
. get.driver's.licence!!
. get the bigger room in new house
. be more understandin to others.
. learn to speak chinese more fluently

Goodbye 2008, hello 2009! =)