Friday, September 04, 2009

Guess Who's Back. =)

helllo ALL! =D

i'm super duper buper zuperly sorry for abandoning this blog for 3 months =X and i'm sorry, blog, for being a super duper bad owner. i promise i'll TRY to update you more often. and i'm sorry readers. (if i still have any) but here's an update.

Okay, so since June, loadsa stuff has changed. We moved into a new house and it automatically transformed into a home over night. i dont know, this place just feels like homee. =) And we got a golden retriever puppy. She is the love of my life. Happy is her namee. Cause she makes us happy cause she's alwayssss happy. Jumping around and all. She got sick and almost died, but she's alll better now. We love her to bits <3 and of course, Berwick will always be my knight in shining armour :)

It is now September and will be having my 2nd mock NEXT WEEK. So wish me luck! I should go study. Soon. I've got loads to update! I am currently tryna finish a whole form 5 textbook in like 3 days which is HUMANLY impossible. but at least i can say i tried. =D its frustrating k. i have to read over and over again JUST to udnerstand. den read over and over again JUST to memorize. then the next day i forget, so i'll read over and over again.. and it goes on and on and on. hahaha sejarah is a major pain in my royal ass.

I was suppose to go for a Drill Camp in KL last August holidays but the camp got postponed due to H1N1. eh this thing getting pretty serious k. and i'm not feeling too well =(

What else? I'm addicted to facebook. there, i said it =X

Ahhh life's going on pretty well right now. despite the studying and all. things are actually slowly getting better. i love it! and i lost weight. well at least i THINK i did. oh that makes it oh so much more worrying. ahaha. daddy's like blocking all my social activities. >.< and i cant wait to get my driving license! rachel drove us to lunch todayyy. Not bad lah, but she does super sharp turnings and she's lame at parking. i dare to say this cause i know its true..and i know she wont be reading this so like YEAH. ahaha.

i'm sorry for a pictureless post. for pics please got to

anyth new in my life. you know it'll be on facebook ;)