Sunday, January 21, 2007

false pretense..

have you ever wanted something SO badly.. or in my case. someone. lol

at times, i just want him to know.. but. its been so hard.. when it comes to its consequences.. what if he starts avoiding me? huh?! sigh. i guess i'll never know..

school went as usual today.. PERHIMPUNAN WAS CANCELLED!! woot!! LOL. just ONE day without Faridah's extremely long blabbering.. but in class, it was blabbering from our form teacher pulak.."Kelas.. saya dah receive complain yer.. tentang kelas kamu ni.. terlalu bising!" bla bla bla.. crap like that. its been that way since the 2G days.. it's not our fault that we love to talk okay! we just have lots of stuff to say to our frens.. how can we wait till AFTER school to talk?! people go home liaw.. how to talk?! if call later.. i forgot liaw lor! so rediculous la! if you band talking in class! pfftt!!

and one more thing! why 3G no luar sidang?!! LOL. ok la.. that one i'm not complaining.. i'm okay with it.but the fact that i cant see him after school hours?! that rediculous la maN! ishhh!! its okkk.. deep breaths.. sobs. i miss him already.. =_= study!


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